School stuff


This morning, this random old lady was “assigning our seats” and it took FOREVER! It felt like this was gonna be the whole class. After sitting down and doing some work, two girls to the left of me were fighting. I dunno why but after the fight, one of the girls was muttering about her boyfriend going to do “something” to her (the girl she was fighting). In English, me and my teacher got mad at my Chromebook for not working at all during the class period.So I just scrolled on tiktok the whole class period. After school, I saw something really cute. A man sitting in front of the corner store, singing to his baby. It was so sweet.

Hairy legs


I got off to some random guy’s legs (not really). I’m on my first day of being on my period and while walking to my next class, I saw this one guy from that class. I don’t really have that big of a crush on him but I do like his face and bushy eyebrows, but something about him had a kick to it today. So I’m walking behind him and for some reason, I’m just staring at his super hairy legs. I just couldn’t take my eyes off them. Looking back at it now, I was def looking like a creep doing this. The worst part is that after he was done talking to his friend he was walking past, I saw him lick his lips. My face warm up and everything!! I felt like I was going to faint or something. That moment was the only thing I could think about all day plus other questions like,

“why his legs? Do I have a thing for legs now??”

Car pedo


The absolute weirdest and creepiest thing happened after school. So me and my friend were at the car pick up area (I dunno what to call it) and while we’re there she says, “that guy in that car looks suspicious. Why does he look like that?” I had no idea what she was talking about because I forgot my glasses at home lol. Then she says “Is he jerking off? I think he’s jerking off!!” I was literally appalled. I couldn’t look or anything because if I did, what would I even see? Nothing? She runs off to tell a nearby adult and I kid you not, the man rolls up the window and tries to get away (he couldn’t really get out because there was a lane of parents trying to get their kids). I see this and yell (technically whispered to myself) “HE’S DRIVING AWAY! HE’S TRYING TO LEAVE!” The adult my friend told was some fat old guy who SLOWLY followed the car while it’s in traffic. The man was trying his best to escape but all the other cars were stalling him. After the whole thing I text my step-mom and friends about the whole thing. Later, my dad picked me up and when we turned the corner from the school, THE MAN CRASHED INTO A TREE. KARMA!! And I found out later my friend’s report caused the man to get a warrant out for his arrest. DOUBLE KARMA!!!

now playing x of y
song title here